Review of the source code may be performed to:
find low level design errors
find bugs and vulnerabilities
find ineffective parts of code (poorly thought algorithms and interface usage)
check that the source code complies to some coding standard.
We perform review of:
C source code
build system (Makefiles, autoconf/automake input files)
bash scripts.
We are experienced in review of:
networking and telecommunication software
Linux kernel.
Usually input of the code review are:
design documents
requirements for the source code in strict (checklists) and non-strict format
source code itself.
Output of the code review is a report with the list of the source code defects.
Defects may be classified by types: style, typos, minor errors, major errors, possible enhancements.
During the Code Review service provision we can:
review/update/create your design documents
verify that design documents comply to the source code
help you to create enterprise or product code standard
create formal checklists basing on your requierments
implement a tools for automatic code validation
verify that the all defects mentrioned in the code review report are fixed by developers.
We can use your tempate for code review report or propose you ours. We can also submit description of defects to your bug tracker.